Friday, January 15, 2010


TODAY I AM ATTENDING AN ART OPENING! one that has one of my pieces in it, "corney!"
Right now I am sitting around in anticipation witch is not so easy but can be done.

I am writing to the world to say why I included corney vs. a toothbrushing drawing that I am ( in my own small way recognized for) I included corney because it was the only drawing that I thought was big enough for the show. After I framed it, really, it was too big according to the official dimensions but fuck it! I loved it, they hung it, and life goes on.

I hope people enjoy "Corney", that they laugh, then then look, mabey even think about it. The thing that would make me the happy-ist is if I won the popular choice award, I already know that I didn't win anything else, they hung the awards up like 2 weeks ago... witch I think is shit! But life goes on.

Today is also exciting because I get to hand out, if anyone wants one, my cards! that have my name contact info and website, witch up until now has been dead, but much thanks to Jim Fergerson, and a little to Luke Lindson (sp??) I have a website ( was my shameless promotion) .... its not 100% where I want it but its got my images up and running for all to see. Which is amazing... I hope if someone looks at the images they laugh, preferably out loud, and remember that its the little things in life, that take care of us and make life keep going.

and on and on I go.....